Welcome to the Kick N’ Box Journal for August!
Welcome back to the Kick N’ Box Journal for August!
What a month July was! Starting off with our MYZONE MEP stars.
Well done to our top 10 for July:
10. Troy H – 3,700
9. Isabella B – 3,828
8. Dom P – 3,937
7. Jessie L – 4,789
6. Tabitha H – 4,997
5. Georgia DV – 5,138
4. Carmel N – 5,511
3. Vince DV – 5,783
2. Greta – 6,759
1. Mai T – 7,006!!
Kids Kick Boxing Classes are back on. These kicked off on the 25th July and are again continuing throughout the school term. If you haven’t tried our kids’ classes, please remember the first class is free. Speak with reception or send us an email to see if this is an option for your child.
Our Charity Event is this weekend, Saturday 6th August, 2pm at the gym. Alex will be in charge of the shuffle again this year. We promise he won’t rig it and play his first like last year!! Half of your donation goes to the prize pool and half straight to The Push for Better Charity!
Fitness Testing is beginning this month. We will be running two separate Test Days; each Test Day will have a both strength and cardio tests involved. Both sessions will be held at the gym 9am-11am, with Test 1 on Sunday, 14th August and Test 2 a month later on Sunday the 4th September. These can be booked into via our APP two weeks in advance so please get booking for our first session. We have broken the times up into 1 hour blocks, so first in best dressed. Both Fitness Tests will be retested 3 months later. We want to work with you to create a goal in terms of your training and help plan out your week so we can see some results over the 3 months. If you want more information or have any questions please speak with Jessie or Simo. SABA have offered 3 scans for all members joining in the fitness testing. Please speak with us about the price of this.
Our Winner of the July offers is Linda Pipicella…..WELL DONE!!! You have won yourself 5x FREE personal training sessions with Nick! He will be in contact with you to start organising times.
Trainer Changes: We have Simo away 21st – 27th this month so please keep an eye when you book into his usual boxing classes for the trainer changes. Any other ad hock changes will be notified through Instagram.
Finally, we have some very exciting news coming in regards to Cross Core classes. This will all be released on our Instagram during the month of August. Follow along for the exciting news!!
Here’s to another month of HARD training. We will see you all in the gym!!